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Looking to integrate content from your Google Drive or Google Docs account into myBlueprint portfolios? You definitely can! Read on to find out how.

There are two ways to add content from Drive:

  1. By connecting directly to Drive - this will save your content as a file which can be opened and downloaded within the portfolio
  2. By using the Share URL - this will link to your content so it can be opened in the original Docs format

Connecting directly to Drive

The first method is to log in with your Google / G Suite credentials and add content directly from your Drive and Google Docs:

  1. Log in to your account
  2. For Education Planner users: Click on Portfolios in the Home section, then open an existing portfolio or create a new one
  3. Within the portfolio (for both Education Planner and All About Me), click Add Box, then Add Media
  4. Click File
  5. Click Google Drive on the left-hand side of the file upload menu
  6. Click Sign in with Google
  7. Log in with your Google username and password
  8. Click Allow to allow myBlueprint to connect and upload content from your Drive
  9. Select the file you wish to add and click Upload
  10. Enter a Title and Description (optional), then click Post

Noteby adding content with this method, any Google Docs or Slides presentations will be converted into Microsoft Office format so that they can be saved directly in the portfolio, and accessed by teachers or linked family members without needing to log in using your Google credentials. To add content and have it remain in Google's format, use the option below to add via URL.

Adding Content with Share URL

Another route to add content from your Drive is to use the 'Add URL' option with Google's sharing link. To do so you'll first need to complete a few steps in Drive, then switch over to your myBlueprint account:

  1. Log in to Google and open your Drive
  2. Open the document you'd like to share
  3. Click the Share button at the top right
  4. Click 'Change to anyone with the link' 
  5. Ensure the link is set to 'Anyone with the link can view,' then click Copy Link. Alternative options at this step:
    • You can leave the link as 'Restricted,' but then anyone attempting to view the document within your portfolio would need to request access.
    • You can change 'Viewer' to 'Commenter' or 'Editor' to allow those opening the document to add comments or make changes

  1. Log in to your myBlueprint account
  2. For Education Planner users: Click on Portfolios in the Home section, then open an existing portfolio or create a new one
  3. Within the portfolio (for both Education Planner and All About Me), click Add Box, then Add Media
  4. Click the Link option
  5. Paste in the URL you copied from Google, then click Go
  6. Enter a Title and Description (optional), then click Post

This will add a link to your portfolio which can be clicked to open the content in its original Google Docs format. 

Still have questions? Send us an email to support@myblueprint.ca, or give us a call at 1-888-901-5505 - we're happy to help!