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Have a student that needs to resubmit their Class Activity? To allow them to re-do their work from your Teacher Account:

  1. Click Classes (left navigation menu)
  2. Click on the Class box you need
  3. Click the Activities tab 
  4. Click on the specific activity
  5. Under the Complete tab, use the Student List (on the right) to find the student
  6. Click on the student's name
  7. If needed, review and Comment on the student’s submission
    • Note: comments can be found in the student's portfolio where they saved the completed activity
  8. Click the 3 grey dots on the student’s submission
  9. Click Mark Incomplete
  10. The student can now log in to their account and re-do the activity 

Note: students can also re-do activities from within their account. For instructions from the student perspective, refer to this article: How can students re-do activities?