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As a general rule, any changes that are made to students' scheduled courses directly in your SIS after the export of course selections will not be visible in their myBlueprint accounts, until they are imported as part of their current courses after the start of the following school year. These changes would need to be communicated to students through your normal process for distributing timetables.


The one exception to this is for schools using Trillium SIS. There is a special functionality in Trillium which sends over students' scheduled courses for next year, after schools have finalized or 'gone live' with their master schedule for the new school year. 

This means that changes made as part of the initial scheduling process will not be reflected immediately, but once you have finalized the master timetable, they will be shown in myBlueprint after the next import of data.

For Trillium boards, counsellors should note that:

  • Students will begin to see changes in their High School Plans once you go live with your master timetable. If you click on a student's name in the Students section of your account, however, then click the Course Selection tab, you will still be able to view a saved copy of the courses they submitted
  • We recommend holding off on going live until you are ready for students to see these updates, where possible
  • If you have any questions or concerns about the transfer of this data to myBlueprint, or the schedule of when it will occur, please contact your board lead or SIS support team.