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Looking to provide students with an update alongside their progress or report card? An ideal way to provide students and families with progress updates is either through a printed progress sheet or a Read Only message. Instructions for both options are provided below.  

  1. Log in to your myBlueprint Teacher/Counsellor account
  2. Click SHSM Manager from the left-hand navigation menu (a new tab will open in your internet browser and bring you directly to the Enrolled Student tab) 
  3. In the Enrolled Student tab you will see Current, Active, and Enrolled SHSM students
  4. Click the checkbox to the left of the student’s Last Name > Click Print Progress 
    1. A Printed version of the student’s SHSM progress will generate. Choose to Save as PDF etc. from the Destination drop down menu

***To send a Read-Only communication to all your enrolled SHSM students: 

  1. Click the Send Message option 
    1. You can easily send reminders or communications to all your enrolled students

Be sure to check out the Enrolled Students video here for more information and tutorials.