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As a Counsellor, there are two kinds of reports that you can access in relation to students' course selections. 

  • The Course Forecasting report within the Reports section of a Counsellor account is a powerful tool which allows you to see in real time how many students across the school have planned and submitted each course - ideal for planning course sections and staffing
  • The downloadable Excel file within the Students section allows you to pull a snapshot of the courses selected by each individual student, once they have submitted their courses.

To access the Excel file:

  • From your Dashboard page:
    1. Click Students in the left-hand navigation menu
    2. Click the round 'down arrow' button to the right of the word Students (see screenshot below)
    3. This will download an Excel file with your students' information
  • In the Excel file:
    • Navigate to the bottom left of the file
    • Click the 'Pending Approval' or 'Pending Export' sheet, depending which group of students you wish to check
    • Navigate to the 'Courses Submitted' column
    • Here you will see the courses students have selected
  • Pro Tip: To filter the contents of Excel columns, click the downward facing arrow in the right of any column, see screenshot below. Then you can filter according to the desired values. Within the filter menu you can also search - so if for example you want to find all Grade 9 students that have selected ENG2D1 within the file, you'd apply the Grade filter and select only 9, then in the Courses Submitted column, click the down arrow to filter, type in ENG2D1 within the search bar, and press Enter.