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Ready to take that last step and transfer your students' course selections back to your SIS? This guide will walk you through the process! 

Note: exporting is only possible from a Counsellor Lead account at a high school. If you have an Elementary Counsellor or Secondary Counsellor account, your final step is to approve plans for the students you are responsible for, which will move them into the Pending Export tab. 

Depending on the configuration for your school and/or board, even as a Counsellor Lead, the option to Export Plans may not be available - if you don't see it, not to worry, that just means that the export is handled centrally by your board. To request an export or determine when the export is planned, please contact your board admin or SIS support team.

  • To export course selections within your Counsellor Lead account:
    1. Click Students
    2. Click Pending Export
    3. From here you have a few different options to export:
      • You can click the Export All button to export all approved students at once
      • You can check off specific individual students, then click Export Selected
      • You can click the checkbox at the top left of the table to select a page of students (35 by default), then click Export Selected
    4. Processing the export will take anywhere from a minute to 5+ minutes, depending on the number of students selected. Give it a minute or so, then refresh the page in your web browser.
    5. Click the Exported tab
    6. You will see a date and time stamp of the last export for your school. To see which students were exported, either click View Report or click Students in the top right.
    7. If your school uses an SIS that receives course selections directly over the Web (e.g. Maplewood/Edsembli), once the export is complete and you see the 'View Report' link, you should see students' course choices in your SIS. If it is still processing, you'll see a completion percentage under the 'Status' heading.
    8. For schools using an SIS that imports course requests from a text file, click the grey Download button (see screenshot below) 
      • This will download a text file to your computer which you can upload to your Student Information System. 
      • For SIS-specific import documentation, see our Course Selection Resources.