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To make changes to the text that appears on course selection sign-off sheets for your students, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your Counsellor Lead Account
  2. Navigate to the Course Selection Checklist on your Dashboard page
  3. Click Configure Course Selection
  4. Click Sign Off Sheet 
  5. Enable sign off sheet printing for the grades you want 
    1. If sign-off printing is disabled (i.e., set to 'no'), students will not see the option to print a sign-off sheet from their account
    2. Counsellors and teachers can still optionally print sign-off sheets for their students by: 
    3. Clicking the contextual menu (three dots) for a student in their class, or in the Students section of the Counsellor account - or by checking off multiple students and clicking Group Actions
    4. Clicking Print Options
    5. Checking off Course Selection Sign-off Sheet and then clicking Print
  6. Optionally, you can:
    1. Have the sign off message on its own page
      • Note: recommended for messages that are longer than 3 lines of text
    2. Have grade specific messages for students
  7. If you want grade-specific sign off messages, toggle 'Grade Specific?' to Yes, then select the grade you wish to customize below
  8. Type your message in the white box 
    • Note: you can customize your message - including the style, alignment, etc. 
  9. Click Save Changes
    • Note: you must save changes first before you can preview the changes you have made to any sign off sheet
  10. To see an example with your edits, click Preview Currently Saved Sign-off Sheet 

Saved and enabled sign off sheets will appear for students in their accounts after they have submitted their course selections.