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You can review, edit, and approve your students' course selections in a few different ways, either for one student individually or multiple students as a group.

  1. Log in to your Counsellor or Counsellor Lead Account
  2. Click Active Students
  3. Click Pending Approval
  4. Click on the student's last name
  5. Review the student's courses - if needed, you can change or remove a course by clicking on the contextual menu button (three dots) to the right of that course
  6. Depending on the results of your review, you have 3 options:
    1. Click Approve Submission - if you want to just approve the current student submission 
    2. Click Approve & Next - if you want to approve that submission and move directly to the next student pending approval
    3. Click Re-Allow Submission - if the student needs to re-do their course selection
  7. If you want to approve multiple plans at one time:
    1. Click Active Students
    2. Click Pending Approval
    3. Check off the box to the left of 'Last Name'
    4. This will select all students on that page
      • Note: To select all students on all pages in the Pending Approval tab, click Select All (x-number) located to the right of the blue Approve Plans button
    5. Click the blue Approve Plans button
  8. Once students are approved they move into the Pending Export tab - if necessary, you can 'unapprove' students by selecting them within the Pending Export section, and clicking Group Actions > Move to Approved. You can also still make changes to a student's courses once they are pending export by clicking on the student's last name. Once they have been moved to Exported, this locks their plan in myBlueprint and any further changes would need to be made directly in your SIS.
    • Note: only staff with Counsellor Lead accounts are able to export student course selections (i.e., move them from 'Pending Export' to 'Exported'). If you have a Counsellor account type, your job is complete once students are moved into the Pending Export tab.