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Portfolios are meant to be showcased!

There are two (2) ways that students can easily show their portfolios. Slideshow mode and Interactive Share. When a student uses Interactive Share they create a URL link to the portfolio that is sent to your email. 

You are then able to view the portfolio by following the easy steps outlined below:

  1. Log in to your email account that the Interactive Link was sent to
  2. Click and open the email titled “[Name of student] shared their portfolio”
  3. Click the View Portfolio button 
  4. A new tab will open with the message “Welcome to [student’s name] Portfolio”

You will be taken directly to the student’s portfolio where you can view any contents they have added, including updates after they shared the link. If you're prompted for a password, confirm what to use with the student who shared the portfolio with you. 

Receiving an 'unauthorized' error message after entering a Share URL? 

Double-check with the student that the link is still valid, and look at the URL format. For security reasons, the links generated from student accounts are a long URL which includes no identifier that can be linked to a particular student. For continued access to the portfolio, you will need to use the complete link generated from the student's account, not the URL that you arrive at after opening the link. 

When you open an Interactive Share link, our system first confirms that it's still valid and prompts you for a password if the portfolio is password-protected. Once we've checked for authorization, you are redirected to another URL where you can view the student's portfolio. If you're receiving an 'unauthorized' message, and you see the link format is:

https://share.myblueprint.ca/share/portfolio/<number>/?isl=<long string of numbers and letters>

Try removing the 'portfolio/<number>/' portion but keeping the string at the end:

https://share.myblueprint.ca/share/?isl=<long string of numbers and letters>

If the portfolio link is still valid, this should work to allow access.

None of the options above working for you? Don't hesitate to contact us by either emailing support@myBlueprint.ca or calling us at 1-888-991-5505

We are always happy to help!